Going on Leave
On my visits to the UK, I always stay overnight in my favorite Hotel near the town of Moers, not far from the border to Holland.Two years ago I decided a change was needed and stumbled on the Hotel Casino im Park in Kamp Lintfort, just north of Moers. This looked an impressive Building and I looked forward to my stay in March 2011.
Imagine my surprise to see photos of the Duke of Windsor and his entourage in the hall. They stayed there in 1937. I was also more taken aback with the other photos in the Hotel.
On the 23rd March 1945 the Offensive over the Rhein began and on the 25th March there was an historic meeting in the Park of the Hotel, between Winston Churchill, General Eisenhower and all of the main players of the Allied Forces engaged in the planning of the Crossing of the Rhein.
I was allowed to take a few Photos, but due to the lighting I was unable to get them switched off, so they are as they are.
This article has nothing to do with Our Regiment, but I found it interesting in that many of us never knew much of this area in Germany. It could, however, jog the memories of those of you who, when driving home on Leave from Munster in the 70`s and maybe 80’s used the Venlo Border crossing into Holland, before the Autobahn was finished, Nearly Always used the last PB Petrol Station in the Villages of Wachtendonk and Wankum as this was the last place to use Petrol Coupons in Germany. The One in Wankum used to stay open till way after Midnight. It is still there, on the Old Venlo Road.
Alan Powney